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Holiday Cottages in Easter Ross

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When compared to its western cousin, Easter Ross has a completely different feel. Its coastal area lends itself to farming, so fields eventually give way to high moorland, and eventually mountainous areas as you move further inland. Easter Ross also tends to be drier and milder than the west coast.

Easter Ross doesn’t have set boundaries, so we consider it as the area between Cromarty Firth and Dornoch Firth on the Highland’s east coast, with its western border laying somewhere around Loch Vaich. Access is relatively easy with the A9 running up the east side of the region.

The region has been populated for millennia and settlers from those early days as well as Picts and Vikings have left their mark on the area. The Tarbat peninsula is home to one of the earliest Christian monasteries to be found in Britain, lost to fire it is believed, sometime around 800AD.

There are museums to visit, including the superb Tarbat Discovery Centre, where you can find out about the fascinating heritage and history of the region. Nature lovers won’t be disappointed, especially bird watchers who will enjoy the RSPB reserve at Nigg Bay. You can also enjoy picturesque coastal walks along the sandy beaches and the stunning rocky coastline.

Arts and craft shops that sell a wide variety of products can be found in the local towns and villages, and of course there’s the world famous whisky distilleries of Balblair, Dalmore and Glenmorangie who regularly run tours – check their websites for more details.

Another face of the Scottish Highlands, Easter Ross is definitely worth considering for your next holiday.

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